
Stretch Your Food Dollars with this Ham, Bean & Veggie Soup

Stretch Your Food Dollars with this Ham, Bean & Veggie Soup

Now that we are a couple weeks into fall, I’m getting excited for all the soups and broths.

Soups are cozy, easy to make, and usually utilize the more inexpensive cuts like chicken broth bones, pork neck bones, or like in this recipe, ham hocks.

The hock is basically the very bottom of the leg bone where the foot is attached. It’s a lot of skin and fat with a bit of meat so a lot of butchers have these smoked & cured to add flavor and a bit of meat to beans, broths and soups.

This soup comes out to just over $2 per serving and then I usually serve with some yummy toasted and buttered bread or a grilled cheese.

Homemade Chicken Ramen Soup

Homemade Chicken Ramen Soup

It’s soup season! And this is one of the most cozy, filling and nourishing soups I’ve had yet.

My sweet friend Kathryn that helps us so much with the farm and our kiddos inspired us to try this. She is an amazing cook! So I got all the ingredients one day that she was coming over and she walked me thru it. I remember that afternoon leaving the kitchen a disastrous mess, because all we wanted to do was sit and enjoy every bite and sip of this soup.

Use this as sort of a fridge dump soup with leftover veggies you may have! Hope you enjoy this as much as we did :)