Our Farm

Mason's Current Jobs on the Farm

Mason's Current Jobs on the Farm

One of the biggest reasons we started the farm was to be able to raise a family around farming and the beautiful lifestyle that went along with it. To be able to teach our kiddos how to nurture & care for animals and the land, how to have responsibilities that require of you even when you don’t feel like it, how to work hard on a project or a goal, to fail but keep going, but most of all how to work alongside each other as a family and build something that is a blessing to our local community.

Mason’s first jobs on the farm when he was around two years old included chasing baby chicks, holding the hose in the water bucket (and soaking himself) and stealing daddy’s tools.

Now that he’s 3.5 years old, he’s got a lot more jobs on the farm….some we ask him to do and some we don’t, ha!